Refinancing Calculator

Use this Calculator to see your refinance savings. When entering values, do not use punctuation. It will cause errors to show up in the result fields. The calculator only works with Netscape and Internet Explorer 3.0 and up. 

The principal balance of your mortgage is:
(call your lender for current payoff)


The amount of your monthly mortgage payment P+I:
(Principal and Interest Payment Only)


Your mortgage's current interest rate is:


Your new interest rate:


Your new term i.e 15, 30 Years:


Enter the estimated closing costs that will be required for refinancing:  (See Table Below)



Your new monthly principal and interest if you refinance is:

Your monthly savings wil be:

Months to break even on closing costs is:

Your current interest is:

Your refinanced interest will be:

How much interest is saved if you refinance?

Net refinance savings:

Use The Table Below When Entering A Closing Cost In The Calcualtor. These are Estimates Only.

Loan Amount

Closing Costs
Under $100,000 Use $2500
$100,000 - $150,000 Use $3500
$150,000 - $200,000 Use $4500
$200,000 - $250,000 Use $5000
$250,000 - $300,000 Use $5500
$300,000 - UP Use $6000

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This refinance calculator is for estimates
and informational purposes only.

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